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Jeu de temps / Times Play 2007 (JTTP 2007)

Prix et donateurs / Sponsors and Awards

Afin d’encourager et de promouvoir les œuvres de jeunes compositeurs(trices), la CEC donne les prix suivants, attribués aux meilleures pièces du concours JTTP 2007 telles que choisies par un jury international.

To encourage and promote the works of young and emerging sound artists and composers, the CEC has arranged for the following prizes to be awarded to the top placing pieces of this year’s edition of JTTP, as decided by the international jury.

1st Place

$400 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (2 years)
CDs from the CEC
CDs/DVDs from JTTP Project Partners
Books and journals from JTTP Project Partners

2nd Place

$200 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (2 years)
CDs from the CEC
CDs/DVDs from JTTP Project Partners
Books and journals from JTTP Project Partners

3rd Place

$100 Cash Prize
CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs from the CEC
CDs/DVDs from JTTP Project Partners
Books and journals from JTTP Project Partners

4th Place

CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs from the CEC
CDs/DVDs from JTTP Project Partners
Books and journals from JTTP Project Partners

5th Place

CEC Membership (1 year)
CDs from the CEC
CDs/DVDs from JTTP Project Partners
Books and journals from JTTP Project Partners

Partenaires du projet / Project Partners

« Jeu de temps / Times Play » est réalisé grâce au support des membres de la CEC.
La CEC aimerait remercier les personnes et organisations suivantes pour les généreux dons et support au projet.

The larger Jeu de temps / Times Play project is supported by the CEC membership.
The CEC wishes to thank the following individuals and institutions for their generous donations and support of the project.

Dons en argent / Financial Donations

Kevin Austin
Chin-Chin Chen
jef chippewa
Ian Chuprun
Marcelle Deschênes
Francis Dhomont
Yves Gigon
Martin Gotfrit
Michael Matthews
Jean Piché
Barry Schrader

Dons de CD, livres, publications / CD, Book and Magazine Donations

Cambridge Street Records (Vancouver)
Canadian Embassy in Berlin, Culture Section (Berlin)
DeGeM — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (Berlin)
empreintes DIGITALes (Montréal)
Musicworks Magazine (Toronto)
New Adventures in Sound Art (Toronto)
SAN — Sonic Arts Network (UK)
Studio TU (Berlin)

Agostino di Scipio

Partenaires Media Partners

CKUT 90.3 FM — Where’s the Beat? (Montréal), Host of the Official JTTP Launching since 2002.

CIUT 89.5 FMThe Audible Woman (Toronto)
CFRO 102.7 FM, Vancouver Co-op Radio — Musica Nova (Vancouver)
CKLN 88.1 FM — A Missing Sense / Electric Storm (Toronto)
WOBC 91.5 FMFoldover (Cleveland)
Elektramusic Radioshow for Experimental Music (FRANCE)
Radio Universidad de Chile 102.5 FMPerdidos en el Espacio (Santiago CHILE)
WDBX 91.1 FMIt’s Too Damn Early (Carbondale IL USA)
WMBCart@radio (Baltimore MD USA)

Diffusion en Concert Performances

EuCuE — Électroacoustiques de l’université Concordia university Electroacoustics (Montréal)

Services in Kind

DIFFUSION i MéDIA (Montréal)

Concordia University empreintes DIGITALes Naisa MusicworksCSR DEGEM

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